Thursday 21 October 2010

i almost forgot to talk about my eyes, i used the original image, and took my own eyes, i then turned theis into a material and added it to my eyes.
This is my final render, including the hair.

this is the view i had while maeking the hair, to start with, i had a massive affro, i then used the cut tool and cut it all down to the correct lenght, and then brushed it all in teh right directions.
this is the final model, all that needs to be added is hair.
this is my specular layer, i've made the forehead lighter, along with the top of the nose, eye, cheeks, chin, lips and around the jaw. now when i add this to my material, only the parts that are white will be shiney, all the black parts will not.
at the moment, if i add any kind of specular level, this is the result, the whole head goes shiney, i need to tell the 3ds max, which parts need to be shineyand which parts are not.

to do this i'll go back to photoshop and produce a specular layer, whihc i will then bring back and add to this.
The next step is to create a bump for my skin, this will give it the effect or texture, and unflatten it.

to get this effect, i first went back tophotophop and opened by skin again, i then made a new layer, i changed the background to grey, i then went to filter, other, and then high pass.

this will give the bumpy effect, however there will be outlines along the edges, to counter this, use the stamp tool and remove the boarder.

once this was done, i went back to 3ds max and added this to my bump material.
This is the skin material attached to my model, all that is left to do is give the skin texture and shine.

and then add hair.
after abit of tweaking this is my finished skin material, if i had time i would have put a dark tone where my hair will go, this is becasue with the hair, at certain angles you can see the skin.
i reopened my original photo of myself in 2 views, and begun making my face.

this took me 2 attemps, the first time, i used the hair aswell, however i didn't like the end result, as my hair isn't flat and it looked nothing like me.

The second attemp i left myself bald, and intended to add hair later using a hair and fur tool on 3ds max.
this part i used photoshop, i opened the rendered imaging, i then opened a new layer, and coloured the background blue, i then wen back to teh background and pressed ctrl+a followed by ctrl+c, and then back to teh new layer turned on "quick mask mode" on teh blue layer, i then pressed ctrl+v

this then turned the background red/pink but the white lines had been highlighted. i then right clicked the layer and pressed apply, thelayer changed so that the background was blue again, but the white lines had still been high lighted.

i then changed the size of the lines.

The final result is a blue guide from whihc will help us create the material for the face.
once the two part are welded together, i needed to change the size of the background to make it twice as wide, and then scaled the images to fit.

i then wen back up to "tools" and pressed Render UVW template, and changed the width from 1024 to 2048, i then pressed render template, and this is the result.
The next stage of this is to close the "Unwrap UVW" and activate the symmetry again, this time, reopen the "unwrap UVW: above the symmetry, this time it will effect both half's of the model.

again click edit, select polygon at the bottom, and "select element" then click the picture, both halves of the model will be ontop of eachother, so it took me a few attemps before i was able to click on the other half. but once i had done so, i click the "mirror" option, and moved it so that it was almost touching the other side, face to face.

i then did the same with the ear.

the next step is to weld both parts of the model together, i did this by selecting the 2 vertex's and pressing ctrl+W

when this is done, the green line down the middle will be gone and the two halfs are now one solid part.
with the ear, first i needed to select it, after doing this i clicked on "planar" it is next to the "cylindrical" option i pressed before.

after this, i had to press "fit" and "align X" this produced a square around the ear.

i then clicked "pelt", and the following image apears.

this will basically pull the polygons apart, until it is a flat shape.

to start with, i selected the vertex in teh circle around my ear, and then scaled them rough until it was 2x the size, i then increased the "simulation samples to around 15 and pressed "start pelt"

the result is teh ear being pulled in every direction until it is flatterned.

as it stands, the image is massive, so i selected it all and scaled it down so that it the right size.
this is the finished shape, with this, the model has a evenly spaced pattern around it.

the next step is to do the ear.
once the cylindrical shape has been put over the model, the next thing to do is press "edit"

once this has been pressed, the following bow will apear.

the highlighted area has been turned into a square shape, meaning some polygon have been squashed and other stretched.

first i needed to have only the head (high lighted) i then pressed the small triangle next to the ID box, this removed the ear.

from here i selected Tools... Relax

from here there was 3 option, relax by face angles, edge angles and centre, each having a different effect.

to start with, i went around the top of the head and presed the "edge angles" option, and then pressed apply, this slightly rounded out the head, so that it matched the shape of my model, pressing the "apply" button several times gives a greater effect.

i needed to do the material for the head and ear seperate, as the ear is very complicated.

to start with, above "editable poly" i clicked on the modifier list and found "unwrap UVW" i then selected face mode.

i then highlighted the whole head, apart from the ear, which will be done differently.

i then scrolled down and selected "cylindrical"

this then produces a cylindrical shape around my head, using the scale tool, i enlarged the shape so that it enveloped my whole head, i then closed "Symmetry" so i had only half a head.
before jumping right into teh deep end with the materials, i wanted to see what areas of the model would be stretched, so i pressed "M" whihc opened the material box, i then pressed the small box next to where it says "diffuse" i then clicked "checker"

i then clicked and dragged the circle with checkard patten onto my model.

with this, i saw there was alot of stretching around the shoulders and ontop of the head.
all the parts had now been completely, and before i start with the materials, i had to be 100% sure my model was complete, as any alteration after this point would result in the material not fitting properly.

i went around each part of the head and did some "fine tunning".

once i was happy wqith it, i moved onto the materials.
once the ear had been created, it had to be attached to the rest of the head, this prooves difficult, as some polygon's didn't line up, or large polygons where next to small one etc...

however i was pleased with the final result, and once turbosmoothed, the joining look realistic.

the next part of my head i needed to model was my ears, to do this i used the side view photo plane, i had to produce more topology drawing, but this time of the ear alone, using these lines i created the shape, made from several flap polygon's, then, using the front view photo plane, i pulled out the vertex's, the ear was basically created the same way as the face.
when i turn symmetry back on, this is the result, i found that parts of the neck didn't meert in the middle, to solve this, i selected the edges all around the face, and pressed the "Y" next to were it says "make planar" this aligns all the edge in the Y axes, becasue the majority of the edges were already in the correct place, the few that wasn't were pulled into the right place.

this image has been turbosmoothed.
the next stage was to create my shoulders, i did this by selecting edge mode, and then clicking the bottom edge (high lighted in picture) i then dragged them down, at first there was a large gap in the fron and back of the torso, so i pulled round more vertex's to fill in the space.
i then reshaped the front of the neck and around the jaw.

with the neck, i created my adam's apply, anmd with the jaw line, i selected the nessesary vertex's and moved them inwards.

This worked quite well, apart from one polygon which is a diomand shape.
i then finished joining the neck to the face.

after i did this, i realised i hadn't welded the new vertex's to eachother, so if i moved it would break apart.

i found it easy to find these parts when i used turbosmooth, the vertex's that were not joined produced a line on the head. once the vertex's were welded the line dissapeared to give a smooth finish.

most of these issues accured with the side of the neck and around the edge of the face. as this is where all the new polygons were created.
this is the result of joining the side of the neck to the new part of the neck.
i found this part quite tricky as i didn't know where to start to produce the front of the neck.

i started by selecting edge mode, clicking the corner edge of the neck, and then copying it several time until it was in the correct place, i used the photo planes for this.

i then positioned it so that it was the correct shape of my neck.

i then copied the polygon down that i used to join the back of the neck and the face, to where it meets the new part of the neck.
i then filled in the gap were the ear will go.

detail here is not nessesary as it will be removed later to make way for the ear.
i then begun to bridge the gap between the back of the neck and the face, i did this by selecting polygon, create, i then joined produced several long thin polygon, and then pressed the small box next to connect.

in the option, i selected 5 for the number of lines, this then split the long polygon into several smaller polygon.

i had to keep in mind that these will be joined to the top of the head, where the ear will go.
as stated in teh previous post, the next step is to create the neck, i did this by clicking on the "edge" option, selecting one of the edge of the sphere, clicking "loop" and then select move.

i then held shift and moved the new polygon into the correct place, keeping in mind that they will be joined to the face at some point.
i then deleted parts of the sphere, the part that overlaped my face, both ends of the circle and also where the neck would start.

i then welded the vertex's to my face, and moved the rest around to give a more, human shape.

next step will be to produce the back of the neck.
i then brought back the two flat planes with my photo on, and created a sphere, then held ctrl + alt + x, this made the shape semi-transparent.

i then scaled it so it was roughly the same size as my head, and rotated it so the two ends where were my ear will be.
i then clicked symmetry, flip, and then using the move tool, positions the mirror'd head so that it joins correctly with the other side.

the eye will need to be done seperatly, but can be done later.

aslong as i don't edit the new half directly, both sides will be the same.
i added a simply material to the eye to give me an idication on where the pupils would be.
This is the final result of the lips and nose. the next step is to create a sphere and place it where the eye will go, this will allow me to correctly move the eyelids around to the right posistion.
with the nostril, i selected the edges around the gap, and then helm shift and scaled them, this produced new polygons, i did this once more to give a small hole. then, selecting the polygon mode, clicked create, and then filled in the new hole.

i then clicked the extrude button and pushed the new polygon inwards to create the inside of the nostril.
i changed the colour to blue and i found it easier to see the edges of each polygon. i then selected "edge" under the modify panel, then slected all the edges along the top lip, clicked the move tool and helm shift, i then moved it downwards, i did this 3 times and then moved them around and welded the new vertex's the the corner of the mouth.

The bottom lip has already been done.
This is teh finished result of pulling the vertex's into the correct places, the nostril and lips were left out as these will be done later.
once the whole face had been done, the next step was to begin moving the vertex's around to make it 3D, the side on view was used for this part, the face needed to be done in layers, starting with the middle of the face and working my way out.
once all the polygon had been drawn in, i then right clicked on the shapes and selected "convert to editable poly" and then in the midify panel, clicked attached and selected all the other shapes on the list, this then turned them all into a solid polygon. i found i needed to add more polygon's as areas like the eye were difficult to do with large polygons.
using the line tool, and putting snap to vertex on, i begun drawing in the polygons, i need to change the sensitivity down abit becasue it was snapping to the wrong points, from 20, down to 5.
i then produce two flat planes, and using a material to each one, put the photo's onto the planes.
this is what my face looks like with the topology and polygons draw onto the face, only half the face was used as the final face will be mirror'd, this face is also used later to produce the ear, and also the skin material.
The next stage is to use photoshop and combin the two photos together, and using a ruler tool, line them up.

this will then be used to for the next part of the process, whihc will be to drawy lines all over my face to define the topology, and red lines to define the poloygon layout.